The Countdown

Thursday, June 19, 2008

the animal update

We saw elephants (only in the orphanage, not in the wild), giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, warthogs, a rhino in a pen, about three different species of antelope, buzzards, lots of birds, lizards, baboons and monkeys, hyenas, a cheetah (which I got to pat!), a few lions in a pen and one glorious wild lion.

I almost forgot! We saw lots of camels on the road to Garissa, cows and goats everywhere, and sheep and dogs, which all strangely looked alike...

This was at the Giraffe Center; we did see many more giraffes (twigga in Swahili) in the wild later in our trip.

1 comment:

Gisa said...


I am Wagner Cardozo, a Brazilian who wants to move to SK like an immigrant. My family and I are members at local Baptist church in our city. In this church we work a lot because we love our savior and in this work we are always grateful.

In this week, I visited your web site and we can observe that you live in a wonderful place.

I would like to know if there are some opportunities (job offers) in Regina. I am a Math Teacher and my wife is Portuguese and Spanish teacher.

In addition, we started our process in last September (2007) and two months ago we sent our documents to immigration centre in Brazil.

God bless you.

Wagner Cardozo.
