The Countdown

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We're leaving today for the next leg of our adventure. Some of the people on our team feel bad that we are not roughing it more - contrary to what I thought, we get to drive by the slums - we won't be in them, and we are going to Garissa where they work with Muslim Somalis, but we are not going to the Somali refugee camps. And they are putting us up in the nicest places in each town - we'll see how those end up, but I'm pretty sure we'll be mostly comfortable. Preparing for anything sort of left out the possibility of being comfortable. I am okay with it, because we will see and experience lots and we are here to learn. When we get back we can figure out how the reading and this class information and what we saw all goes together.

Supper is at 7 here. Lunch is at 1, and there is tea mid morning and mid afternoon (drinks and snacks). Supper last night was out in the bush, which was awesome! I guess every Thursday they do supper out in the bush and have entertainment - music and dancing. The have the buffet all set up and move all the tables and chairs and umbrellas from by the pool and have a bunch of bonfires going... I was glad I wasn't one of the ones who got pulled up to dance! It was a really good end to our time here.

Our praxis team finished class at noon - the rest are preparing for a couple of days in the field applying what they have learned about project development, but we are done. We spent the afternoon talking about the work with Somali Muslims we'll be seeing and doing next week and preparing for that - we are in 4 groups of 4 for the next while - I'm with Kristen from Acadia, Rose from the ACC&S and Danson (pronounced Dau-son) from the ABC.

So this weekend we are doing more touristy things around Nairobi, then head out to Garissa on Monday (Sean says when you use Google Earth, you can totally track where we are). Tomorrow we will get to go to the elephant orphanage and the giraffe center. I'll update you on all that once we've been there!

1 comment:

Patricia's Dolls said...

Hi Carolyn,
Trying to imagine the sights, sounds, and smells of Kenya. Ah, the smells of a foreign country. Nothing can prepare us for that experience.
Just to let you know that I prayed for your safety, and that you would be open to receive whatever God gives. (and I prayed for my own travel jealousy) Don't tan.